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(1 edit) (+1)

Great Game man!

Damn, I wish I had as many comments on ANY of my games… fuuck!

Thank you so much haha

Very awesome video mein Freund, and thank god I lowered the difficulty before publishing, during beta those AKs hit very hard


Very interesting project!

It's the legend himself, thank you!


It was definitely interesting but probably needs more happening in the background. 


Thank you so much for giving our game a try! We greatly appreciate your suggestion and will work on improvements immediately.


Interesting idea


Thank you for playing our game! We'll take notes regarding the AI and tweak the soldiers' behavior in the future


another Warlines classic! and just in time to be my latest video lol. cant wait for the next Warlines release! 


Yeet! Thank you, it was a great video ;0


aw thank you! keep making great games!


Really wanted to try this, it kept crashing. Sorry.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry to hear that, maybe you could try turning off graphical settings in the options, that usually helps!

Edit: If it still crashes, then one other solution is to open setup.ini with notepad and change dividetexturesize=2 to dividetexturesize=4

Hey there, we've just updated the game to 1.0.1 which fixes the crashing issue! Please feel free to give it another try :>

(5 edits) (+1)

babe wake up, new warlines game just dropped

edit: oh shiiit! THANK YOU for including an extracted (no pun intended) version of the game, I hate installers ♥



(2 edits) (+1)

I finally got around to playing it and the game is pretty dang good !!
i had a lil bit o' trouble with the AI here n there (good ol fpsc)

but my biggest issue was dying and having to reload the level, often making the client crash. 

I think it'd be less frustrating and a bit more forgiving to place a couple healing items throughout the level, or maybe give the player regenerating health.

but even if you don't add those things, it's still a great game, really creative! ♥


Thank you so much for your compliments!

Regarding survivability, there's a secret item that could replenish your health, it's in a corner, somewhere ;>


oh i cccc, im just a dummy then and didn't find it LMAO


Oh no you're not a dummy, it's just very carefully hidden. If you do find it, buon appetito